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Gove Champions Ofsted Amid Controversy - Could limiting judgements be reviewed?

Michael Gove and Sophy Ridge engage in a thoughtful discussion on Sky News

In a recent interview on Sky News' "Sophy Ridge on Sunday," former Education Secretary Michael Gove addressed the recent scrutiny of Ofsted following the tragic death of headteacher Ruth Perry. Gove emphasised the need for a sensitive approach when discussing such circumstances, but also highlighted the vital role Ofsted plays in evaluating the performance of schools, nurseries, and early years settings.

According to Gove, Ofsted's grading system provides essential information to help identify schools and early years settings that are performing well and those that need support. Some critics argue that the four-grade system is too simplistic, but Gove contends that these grades remain important. However, he does believe there is room for improvement when it comes to the "limiting judgement" that can deem a school or early years setting inadequate overall if it fails its safeguarding criteria.

Safeguarding, as Gove explained, involves the set of rules governing the well-being, health, safety, and protection of children within schools, nurseries, and early years settings. He suggests reexamining the way a limiting judgement can lead to an overall failure based on one area's inadequacy, without diminishing the positive aspects of an institution's performance.

Gove defended Ofsted and its Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman, crediting them with supporting teachers and improving education and early years settings over the past 13 years. He expressed concern that some critics may be opposed to transparency and high standards, ultimately undermining the progress made in these areas.

As the debate surrounding Ofsted continues, Gove's comments emphasise the importance of a collaborative approach to inspections and safeguarding schools, nurseries, and early years settings, while also recognizing the need for continued improvement and adaptation.

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